My supervisor always suggests writing, but I don’t feel comfortable doing that unless I have all the information in hand. However, I’ve learned how important it is to write down whatever you do, and make notes of whatever you read. Documenting the whole process as you go will help you finalize the project in a very effective way. So don’t worry about writing things that are “wrong” or that don’t make sense. So even if it seems raw, keep on writing and get regular feedback from your supervisor. To what does dyor mean search most of our articles, journals, videos, books, and other library resources all at once, use the Search Library option on the Library homepage.

How to Do Your Own Research

The role of fundamental analysis in DYOR

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide what you’re going to believe. Science is ever changing, and comparing research from even six months ago to what might be published tomorrow in order to form any kind of gotcha moment isn’t the way science and science writing works. Try to read the most recent information, acknowledging the past layers of research done to reach those conclusions.

Challenge: Finding Study Participants

So you have to do a little more research to know exactly who is giving you that information. What organization (and you usually want something maintained by an organization) is behind it? Are they a credible organization, maybe an organization of neuroscientists? You can also rely on a .gov site to give you exact policy information, or if you are looking for studies and findings from places like the National Institutes of Health or MedLine Plus. All of this won’t always be peer reviewed like the journal articles in the research databases, but it will offer information provided with good intent.

How to Build an Independent Research Project

This is usually the first sentence in your paper, making it your reader’s introduction to the topic. Once you understand the assignment, the next steps in how to write a research paper follow the usual writing process, more or less. There are some extra steps involved because research papers have extra rules, but the gist of the writing process is the same. Below is a step-by-step guide to writing a research paper, catered specifically for students rather than professional researchers. While some steps may not apply to your particular assignment, think of this as more of a general guideline to keep you on track. A research paper is a type of academic writing that provides an in-depth analysis, evaluation, or interpretation of a single topic, based on empirical evidence.

Challenge: Choosing the Right Topic

DYOR may be a manifestation of contempt for elites rather than an affirmation of the importance of independent research. The more specific you can be the better, but you can be broad if you have a mentor who can guide you. In the end, she wrote a research paper that pushed her to go far deeper than any class on psychology! One high school student I mentored was interested in how organizations work. In particular, she was interested in her school system—the United World Colleges (UWC)—and how it came together to achieve its mission.

How to Do Your Own Research

Highly Selective High School & College Publications

  • DYOR may be a manifestation of contempt for elites rather than an affirmation of the importance of independent research.
  • We often and predictably do much better with regard to knowledge by relying on testimony, rather than by doing our own research.
  • Moreover, it gives you greater control over the flow and direction of the research paper.
  • If you’re looking to do cold outreach, the key is to 1) cast your net wide (reach out to 25+ researchers), 2) show how you can add value to the researcher, and 3) be persistent!
  • So don’t worry about writing things that are “wrong” or that don’t make sense.
  • I claim we ought to defer to those institutions who identify themselves as the institutions to defer to, when (and only when) the other institutions of civil society accept this claim.

In their latest research study, published April 25 in the research publication Journalism, Lewis and his team noticed in interviews that many Americans perceived journalists as motivated by profits. But in reality, most journalists are paid rather poorly and are motivated more by passion than pursuit of profit, he said. Widespread job cuts also have hit the industry, with hundreds of journalists laid off at the start of 2024. In their 2020 interviews, Lewis and Nelson found that frustration and distrust in the news surprisingly crossed partisan lines. People who were interviewed shared the sentiment that only “sheep” would trust journalists and also had a common desire to better understand the world.

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Some experts, for example, depend on ongoing access to official sources for their work, and will be unwilling to go out on a limb, on a mere hunch, if that threatens their access. Others will be mindful of their reputations and how they can be smeared with the accusation ‘conspiracy theorist’. Moreover, when evidence has been hidden or obscured, a non-expert might just happen to be in the right place to detect it; whistleblowers play a valuable social role. Google Scholar (, since it doesn’t just appear as one of the filtering options anymore) will gather articles, mostly peer-reviewed, that have been made available on the free web as part of open access journals and repositories.

Challenge: Dealing With Your Data

She offers several techniques for getting on the right path when it comes to choosing the appropriate methodology for your study. Grammarly goes way beyond grammar, helping you hone word choice, checking your text for plagiarism, detecting your tone, and more. For foreign-language learners, it can make your English sound more fluent, and even those who speak English as their primary language benefit from Grammarly’s suggestions. This useful and free tool from Google lets you create simple charts and graphs based on whatever data you input.

Step 1 – Define a Possible Research Area or Topic of Interest

After I start searching, I take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle. On one side, I list additional words or synonyms that would allow me to narrow the topic down and make my search more specific. On the other side, I jot down the terms that would allow me to expand my topic and make it more general. Research starts with a topic or question and to find your information, you need to break that paper topic into keywords. If you’re having trouble finding information on your topic, often you need to explore different keywords in order to search effectively.

This paper highlights the indispensable work of the ocean in sustaining life on earth, and particularly its role in climate regulation, through the framework of the Ocean Health Index (OHI). It focuses on the high seas, a region that covers half the earth’s surface but remains unexplored and much less understood than coastal waters. Last but not least, this paper makes recommendations for the conservation of the high seas and its teeming wildlife. This research paper, written by a junior in Massachusetts, investigated the impact of federal subsidies on the consumption of electric vehicles.

Ideally, your mentor is willing to meet with you at a minimum once every few weeks to help you work on your project. After identifying a broad area of interest, invest time in  finding a mentor. But, in my experience, it’s hard to get started on a research project without some guidance. So, unless you’ve done research multiple times in the past, I recommend working with a mentor who can guide you. Whatever your interest, research will force you to go far deeper than you’ve gone on the topic.

And always read prepared to acknowledge the biases of the writer as well as your own. There are multiple options for research at the libraries in your community. Anything from a public library to the local universities, community colleges, and even some specialized libraries will offer access to their online databases, which are much more easily updated than printed publications. These databases, like PubMed and Web of Science, will include medical papers announcing findings on studies that have been done outside the political arena, before the findings might have been used to decide policy.

Aside from preparing your reader, the thesis statement also makes it easier for other researchers to assess whether or not your paper is useful to them for their own research. Likewise, you should read the thesis statements of other research papers to decide how useful they are to you. Even if you don’t have access to libraries with deep enough pockets to acquire science-specific journals, it’s likely they’ve been maintaining a repository of COVID-specific information for people in your area. ProQuest in particular has a COVID-dedicated collection that they’ve offered to institutions.

If we engage in our own research, we may secure understanding but we risk knowledge. After all, sometimes the official story is false, and lay research helps uncover this fact. As Coady and Pigden stress, conspiracies are sometimes real (Coady, 2012; Pigden, 2017), and occasionally digging by laypeople uncovers them. In these kinds of cases, non-experts may have certain advantages over experts in uncovering the truth.