marriage changes after sobriety

It’s important to remember that you don’t have to go through this alone. There are tips and resources available to help you along your SUD and relationship marriage changes after sobriety recovery journey. Trust is a fundamental part of every relationship, and it often takes a big hit during periods of substance use.

Getting Started

marriage changes after sobriety

He often expressed how he felt foggy and resented how it impacted our physical intimacy. The combination of these effects shattered his self-esteem. For almost a year and a half, we experienced a new kind of rollercoaster until he found the proper medication and acceptance of its place as part of his treatment. Once he felt comfortable again, his smile and warmth returned along with a new playfulness. I discovered that those traits were his innate qualities and not alcohol-induced.

  • People in recovery or those with mental health issues are especially vulnerable to unhealthy relationships.
  • Additionally, each spouse must prioritize their individual well-being through activities that promote self-care, such as exercise, therapy, or pursuing personal interests.
  • Addiction can be an isolating experience for both the addicted individual and their partner.
  • Seeking professional help is a crucial step in addressing addiction within a marriage.

My marriage fell apart in 2022, and work became difficult

marriage changes after sobriety

Taking care of yourself will give you a renewed sense of purpose and a direction in life. Many spouses who are married to an addict in recovery expect that once their spouse gets sober, there will be more time for their relationship. But, this isn’t always the case at the beginning of recovery. Want to learn how to support yourself and your spouse during this time of change? Read on to discover our tips for sober spouses married to an addict in recovery.

Music Therapy for Addiction

Some couples can thrive immediately after the addicted partner becomes sober. If your partner is recovering from addiction, the process can come with challenges, and it may take time to cope with those challenges, but you’re not alone. Recovery from substance use disorder can cause many changes in your marriage — not all of them positive. One of the biggest challenges of having a spouse who is not sober is that you may feel like you’re always walking on eggshells.

marriage changes after sobriety

Lizbeth Portalatin-Perez, Director for the Division of Strategic Communications

Don’t forget to find addiction therapy that works for you and your partner in the process because that will make those victories even sweeter. If you or your partner has a severe dependency problem, the best option is to get into an inpatient program in WV. Through therapy sessions, the couple can learn healthy coping mechanisms, effective communication techniques, and strategies for relapse prevention. The question of, “can you have PTSD and adjustment disorder at the same time” is an interesting one. Generally speaking, PTSD is a more severe and long-lasting mental health issue than adjustment disorder. Explore our personalized programs designed to empower you on your path to sobriety.

One day that December, I woke up and couldn’t get out of bed or stop crying. I finally decided to take two weeks of mental health leave and start counseling. Most importantly, I gave myself some space to acknowledge my feelings. Dealing with addiction, whether your own or a loved one’s, is a complex challenge. Regardless of whether you choose to remain in the relationship or part ways, approach the situation with compassion for both yourself and your partner.

  • I was eager, at times perhaps too much, to get us back on track.
  • This reflects the shame that lies beneath the caretaking, self-sacrificing, role of being a super-responsible partner – shame that underlies codependency.
  • These “thinking problems” require that the newly sober person learns how to cope, live, and react differently to life.
  • Some couples can thrive immediately after the addicted partner becomes sober.
  • They become dependent on their partner, family members, friends, coworkers, bosses, therapists, clergy, parents, teachers, coaches, doctors, and other authority figures.
  • For example, if you both used to spend every weekend drinking and watching football, the sober version of you may prefer a hiking trip with your partner.
  • The people who get hurt the worst by the effects of substance misuse are often the ones closest to us.
  • If you’re recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) or you love someone who is, you know just how challenging it can be to heal the harm that may have occurred.

Supporting Your Loved One During the Holidays: 7 Tips to Help Someone You Love Stay Sober

marriage changes after sobriety

Drinking Was Hard On My Marriage So Was Recovery.